General Accommodation Terms and Conditions
1. Nidos Namai Accommodations terms and conditions (hereinafter Terms & conditions) and obligations of the Guest indicated in Guest registration form (hereinafter Guest) and his/her guests.
1.1. Guest and his/her guests undertake to use the Premises only for personal or family holidays and quiet rest. The Guest must not cede the Premises to any third persons during the accommodation term indicated in Guest registration card (hereinafter Registration card).
1.2. The Guest undertakes to use the Premises properly, to keep them in good condition, to use the Premises tidily and carefully for the purpose specified herein, to observe and ensure that the associated persons and/or his/her guests would observe the Terms & conditions.
1.3. It is forbidden for the Guest and his/her guests:
1.3.1. to allow the persons not indicated in Registration card to stay overnight and to exceed the number of staying guests indicated in the Registration card. If the Guest and/or his/her guests violates this clause, the Service Provider may demand to pay the fine of EUR 100, but not less than 20 EUR per not indicated person per night, considered as minimal losses incurred by the Service Provider;
1.3.2. to smoke in the Premises and in the territory of the Nidos Namai, except for special places marked as such. If the Guest and/or his/her guests violates this clause, the Service Provider may demand to pay the fine of EUR 200 considered as minimal losses incurred by the Service Provider;
1.3.3. to litter;
1.3.4. to wear dirty shoes that leave traces or marks or may worsen or cause damage to the flooring, as well as high-heels that may cause damage to the flooring;
1.3.5. to bring bicycles, scooters and other vehicles or bulk objects used outdoors into the Premises or to keep them in the Premises;
1.3.6. to bring and/or keep pets and birds not indicated in the Registration card in the Premises and in the territory of the Nidos Namai. If the Guest and/or his/her guests violates this clause, the Service Provider may demand to pay the fine of EUR 100, but not less than EUR 20 per not indicated pet per night, considered as minimal losses incurred by the Service Provider;
1.3.7. to light fireworks, fires, etc. without having coordinated this with the Service Provider in advance;
1.3.8. to play outdoor games (football, frisbee, badminton, etc.) inside the Premises and in the territory of the Nidos Namai not intended for such purpose;
1.3.9. to remove towels, bedding and other items from the Premises and the territory of the Nidos Namai;
1.3.10. to dry towels and/or other items in the places not intended for such purpose and/or on the handrails in the balcony;
1.3.11. to leave children unattended;
1.3.12. to lean over the windows and/or balconies or on the handrails;
1.3.13. to bring and play music instruments without having coordinated this with the Service Provider;
1.3.14. to play music, watch movies, listen to the radio or cause other noise in the territory of the Nidos Namai if this may disturb other persons present and/or residing in the territory of the Nidos Namai;
1.3.15. to create noise, to yell, whistle, sing loudly or play the music instruments and other sound instruments and to disturb peace and rest of other persons in the territory of the Nidos Namai from 8 pm until 8 am;
1.3.16. to damage, break or destroy any assets in the Premises and in the territory of the Nidos Namai;
1.3.17. the Guest undertakes not to bring, keep and to prohibit other persons entering the Premises to bring and to ensure that other persons would not bring into the Premises any poisonous, explosive, radioactive and other dangerous substances (and if they are found, it should be not allowed to keep them in the Premises), the keeping and storage of which is prohibited by laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. If this provision is not observed, the Guest shall reimburse all the expenses incurred by the Service Provider related to direct and indirect legal and financial consequences of such violation;
1.3.18. to be in the territory of the Nidos Namai intoxicated with alcohol or other psychotropic substances;
1.3.19. to bring, keep or dispose otherwise the narcotic and/or psychotropic substances and to keep any other prohibited substances or items in the Premises or in the territory of the Nidos Namai;
1.4. If granting of the parking space is provided and indicated in Registration card, the Guest may use the indicated parking place. The Guest has to ensure that the vehicle is in good technical order, parked properly, does not obstruct way to other vehicles, and does not disturb pedestrians. If the Guest does not comply with the parking rules described in this clause, the Service Provider may ask to tow the vehicle and the Guest will have to reimburse the towing and storage expenses of the vehicle and the Service Provider may demand to pay the fine of EUR 100, but not less than EUR 20 per not indicated and parked car per day, considered as minimal losses incurred by the Service Provider;
1.5. The Guest should immediately notify Service Provider about any items left or lost in the Premises and in the territory of the Nidos Namai. The Service Provider shall not bear responsibility for the property of the Guest and/or other persons.
1.6. The Guest has to respect the interests of occupants and owners of the Premises and attached buildings/premises, to save and preserve the property of the Service Provider, to comply with fire-safety, sanitary (hygienic), storage, environmental protection and any other requirements established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, to comply with the requirements of safe behaviour and rest, and to ensure safety and proper behaviour of the accompanying persons.
1.7. The Guest has to ensure that s/he and his/her guests will comply with safety requirements and will use electric and other devices carefully, with responsibly, in accordance with safety requirements and/or operation instructions and manufacturer’s instructions, will not use any electric devices that are not in good technical state and/or that are not adjusted otherwise, will not turn on and/or plug in the items and/or devices not intended for such purpose, will not touch and ensure absence of contact with flammable, heat-non-resistant items or Equipment and safe distance from open flame and/or other hot or heated devices, appliances, items or other Equipment (e.g., cooktops, ovens, grills, etc.).
1.8. The Guest has to ensure correct usage of fire-safety, heating, sewerage, water supply, electricity, phone and Internet communication lines, other systems, domestic appliances and other Equipment present in the Premises that would comply with the requirements set by the manufacturer or valid legal acts. If the Guest does not know, how to use correctly the appliances present in the Premises, s/he shall address the Service Provider and receive appropriate instructions and explanations before starting to use the appliances. The Guest shall be responsible for damage caused to the Premises and/or electric, water supply, heating and other systems and Equipment present in the Premises by the Guest and associated persons (including guests and visitors of the Guest). The Guest shall be responsible for his/her own safety and safety of his/her guests who are using appliances, Equipment and systems available in the Premises.
1.9. The Guest has to ensure his/her own safety and safety of his/her guests, so s/he has to undertake all the precautions to ensure that his/her actions would not result in danger. The Guest and his/her guests shall use the Premises and the Equipment inside the Premises at their own risk and they have to ensure safety and be cautious. Special attention should be given to the fact that the floor (tiles) may be slippery or that the stairs inside the Premises may be steep, and thus the children have to be attended while they are climbing the stairs or while they are staying on the upper floor.
1.10. The Premises are intended for calm, safe rest, so the Guest undertakes to introduce the persons coming together with the Terms & conditions and shall be liable for behaviour and material damage caused by such persons.
1.11. The Guest shall cooperate with the Service Provider in order to ensure compliance with the rules of the Nidos Namai and shall notify the Service Provider about violations of these rules (or implied violations) without delay.
2. Arrival and departure time.
2.1. At the time of checking in at the Nidos Namai, the Guest shall complete and sign the Registration card. In order to make sure that the Guest and/or his/her guests provided accurate and thorough data and information on the guest’s registration card and/or in order to verify the identity of payer for services or verify validity and lawfulness of payment for services and other related transactions, the Service Provider may request for personal identity document from the Guest and/or his/her guests.
2.2. The Guest has to inform the Service Provider in writing about the noticed drawbacks or defects, or lack of items immediately after having noticed the drawbacks or defects and in any case not later than in 4 (four) hours after arrival to the Premises, and if the drawbacks or defects are noticed in the course of services’ provision, the notification should be made as soon as possible.
2.3. The Guest cannot arrive to the Premises before 4 pm of the first day of accommodation term.
2.4. The Guest agrees that on a check in moment damage deposit in amount of 300 euros will be reserved in his/her credit card account. The Guest agree that Service Provider within damage deposit if any amount can charge any damage caused by The Guest or his/her guest without prior notice to the Guest and his/her approval. In case of no damage was caused by the Guest, damage deposit reservation will be released within 14 days after the Guest departure date.
2.5. The Guest shall be responsible for the Premises’ key during the accommodation term. If the key is not returned (is lost), the fee of 50 euros shall be paid for each not retuned (lost) set of keys.
2.6. The Guest and his/her guests have to vacate the Premises on the last day of accommodation term and return the sets of keys from the Premises before 11 am. If possible, the Service Provider may adjust arrival and departure times according to additional agreement.
2.7. Unless agreed otherwise, if the Guest and his/her guests do not vacate the Premises on the last day of accommodation term before 11 am, the Service Provider has a right to charge a fee of 50 euros from the Guest for each overdue hour. If the Guest and his/her guests do not vacate the Premises before 4 pm, the Service Provider shall calculate that day as an additional day of accommodation term, for which 200% of the daily rate will be charged. However, this does not restrict the right of the Service Provider to evict the Guest and his/her guests from the Premises.
2.8. If more guests reside or stay overnight in the Premises than indicated on the Registration card, the Service Provider has a right to terminate the Contract without a notice and/or charge additional fee for each extra guest staying in the Premises.
3. Rights and duties of the Service Provider. Responsibility
3.1. The Service Provider guarantees that the Guest and the associated persons will have unhindered access to the Premises during the accommodation term, as far as the Guest is using the Premises under these Terms & Conditions.
3.2. The protection of the Premises and the assets (Equipment) inside the Premises shall be organized by the Guest. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for damage or loss of any property of the Guest or other persons held in the Premises and/or territory of the Nidos Namai, as well as for the damage caused to the Premises or assets of the Guest and third persons and/or business of the Guest and failures of electricity, water-supply, sewerage and other systems in the Premises caused by some accidents, save when such failures or disorders are caused by inappropriate and/or untimely maintenance and operations of certain systems.
3.3. The Service Provider shall not be held responsible for assets and personal belongings of the Guest and his/her guests held in the Premises and/or territory of the Nidos Namai and for their protection. The Service Provider does not provide storage services of items and there is no safe in the Premises.
3.4. The Service Provider or its representative has a right to inspect/review the Premises or conduct other inspections inside or outside of the Premises, provided the Guest has been notified, unless such actions are carried out in order to protect the Premises from the damages or breakage, i.e. in such cases the Service Provider has a right to enter the Premises without representative of the Guest and without a notice.
3.5. Upon the written request of the Guest, the items of the Guest left or lost and found in the Premises or in the territory of the Nidos Namai may be sent or otherwise transferred to the Guest if the Guest agrees to cover the sending, other delivery and storage expenses. The Service Provider shall not be held responsible for loss or damage of the items.
3.6. If the Service Provider suspects that the Guest and/or his/her guests and other persons are violating public order and peace, are planning and/or committing administrative offences or criminal activities, the Service Provider shall refer to police officers immediately and without a notice.
3.7. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for unsuitable, undesirable and/or noisy behaviour of the persons present in the territory of the Nidos Namai and the Guest has to notify the Service Provider about behaviour of such persons.
4. Responsibility of the Guest
4.1. The Guest and his/her guests have to reimburse material losses caused to the Service Provider by the Guest and/or his/her guests or persons invited by them to the Premises or to the territory of the Nidos Namai and/or caused because of non-compliance with the Terms & conditions.
4.2. While using the services of the Service Provider, the Guest shall be responsible for own safety and safety of his/her guests.
4.3. If the Guest does not implement the obligations undertaken hereby and/or do not pay the price of services and/or deposit indicated in the Terms & Conditions on time, the Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Accommodation Services for the Guest unilaterally and to demand for payment/ retaining of the total price of services.
5. Sanctions and liability
5.1. If the Guest or his/her guests cause damage to the Service Provider, the Guest has to notify the Service Provider hereof without delay and the Service Provider shall state the amount of damage due to be reimbursed. The Guest has to reimburse the Service Provider’s damage immediately and not later than in 1 (one) business day.
5.2. If the Guest and/or his/her guests do not comply with the Terms & conditions, the Service Provider has a right to demand that the Guest and the accompanying persons would comply with the Terms & conditions. If the Guest and/or his/her guests do not obey, the Service Provider has a right to terminate Accommodation services without a notice and to demand that the Guest and his/her guests would leave the Premises immediately. In such a case the Service Provider is entitled to keep the total amount payable by the Guest.
6. Processing of personal data
6.1. The Service Provider is a data controller of personal data of the Guest and guests of the Nidos Namai.
6.2. The Service Provider shall collect the following personal data of the Guest and his/her guests: name, surname, personal number, data of the personal identity document, address, phone number, e-mail address, data about the age of coming underage children and the car’s data if the Guest comes by car.
6.3. The personal data are processed in order to conclude this Contract and to implement its provisions and only as much as necessary for the Contract’s implementation and/or to achieve legitimate interests of the Service Provider. Upon voluntary consent of the person, personal data could be processed for other purposes indicated in the consent.
6.4. When the Service Provider handles personal data, it may use services of data processors – IT companies providing services of information systems used for administration of accommodation services and maintenance, as well as companies providing accounting services.
6.5. The persons are entitled to get familiar with their personal data and their processing mode, to demand to correct incorrect, inaccurate or incomprehensive data, to delete own personal data or restrict their processing when the personal data are processed in prejudice to the requirements of legal acts or if another legal ground is present to demand to transfer own personal data to another data controller or to provide the data directly in the convenient form (applicable for the personal data submitted by the Guest and processed by automated means on the ground of contract or consent). If the personal data are processed on the ground of separate consent, a person has a right to revoke the consent for processing of his/her personal data at any time.
6.6. If the Guest does not submit personal data necessary to conclude and/or implement the Accommodation Services or required to be submitted by law, the Service Provider will not be able to provide services.
6.7. The application regarding implementation of the rights specified in the clause 6 and any complaints, notices or requests may be submitted to the e-mail address If the person considers that his/her personal data are processed unlawfully or in violation of his/her rights, s/he is entitled to address the State Data Protection Inspectorate and submit a complaint. The Service Provider recommends to contact the Service provider before starting an official complaint procedure to try solving the problem amicably.
6.8. The personal data processed for the purpose of the Accommodation service implementation shall be stored by the Service Provider for 10 years after the Contract’s expiry or termination. The personal data processed on the ground of consent shall be stored for 10 years after the consent has been given. When the aforementioned term matures, the personal data shall be destroyed within the reasonable period.